International road transportation of goods is one of the most popular logistic services of SEAFOOD-SERVICE company. Automobile transport is used to transport most types of cargo, including oversized cargo. The company has different types of trucks for the implementation of complex orders.
Our specialists organize transportation over any distance at a flexible individual rate, select trucks in accordance with the characteristics of your order, and provide its support. Also, SEAFOOD-SERVICE provides information on the location of the vehicle on any part of the route, guarantees safety and timely delivery.
What are the benefits of international road transport of goods?
Almost any vehicle can be unloaded manually, by loaders, without attracting expensive special equipment. Warehouses in any country are adapted to work with motor vehicles, which allows you to quickly carry out loading and unloading work in the warehouse. Road transport will deliver the goods from the consignor’s warehouses directly to the consignee, to the railway station (if there are no railway sidings), to the seaport, etc.
Services of road transportation of goods are possible by assembly or passing scheme. Other types of transport do not possess such capabilities. If necessary, vehicles can easily change the route.
Tariffs for road transportation of goods are calculated depending on the goals and objectives, while the price is in any case relatively low. Automobile transport spends much less fuel than air transport, while overcoming the same distance. Automobile transport outperforms rail transport over relatively short distances and in smaller volumes.
Automobile transport will travel through any terrain: a bridge, a poor-quality road, etc. It is possible to overcome water obstacles with the help of ferries.
Types of transport available for the international road transportation of goods
Extensive geography of services
You can order transportation services in Russia, Belarus, China, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, as well as in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland and other EU countries.
International road transportation of goods is suitable for sending goods to hard-to-reach parts of the country, for example, to remote mountainous settlements.
Delivery of groupage cargo is possible. This is the best and most economical option when you need to send a batch of goods of small volume.
Why it is profitable to cooperate with SEAFOOD-SERVICE company
We provide services of rapid road transportation of goods on the territory of the CIS and other countries. We will deliver your shipment quickly, ensure its safety on all parts of the path. A company consultant will help you choose the right cooperation scheme, save time and money, agree on other nuances.
Call SEAFOOD-SERVICE company – we are at your service!